Officers, Council and Committees
The Vascular Society has two Councils. the Open Council includes the Presidents of the Affiliated Vascular Societies, the President of the Royal Society of Medicine Venous Forum, and other SAC and Royal College Representatives. The Elective Council is made up of officers, elected members, SAS/LED representatives and committee chairs ('The Trustees') along with seconded members is expertise is required in a sepecific area.
The Councils are supported by eight Committees.
Applying for Elected Council or another VS Leadership Role
When considering an application get across the following to support your taking this role:
Career, specialisms and experience.
Key milestones and achievements in your career.
Professional bodies or specialist groups belong to, role or position(s) held.
Exemplar and championing profession.
Innovative or improvement programmes played a part in nationally or locally, role and achievements.
The key skills and experience you will draw upon to lead this work.
The personal attributes suitable to lead this work.
What they are looking to achieve and take away from the role.
Executive Officers
The Executive Officers of the Vascular Society are the:
- President, Vice-President and Vice-President Elect (3 year term)
- Honorary Treasurer (4 year term)
- Honorary Secretary (4 year term)
Open Council
Open Council is chaired by the President and meets for 2 1/2 hours four times a year (Feb, May, Sep and Dec).
In recognition that vascular service delivery is multi-professional the Open Council of the Vascular Society is constituted of elected members and representatives of allied and partner organisations for the delivery of safe and effective vascular care.
Elected Council
The Elected Council sets the tone for the charity, including its vision, values and reputation. It sits four times each year.
Executive Committee
This committee holds executive power for the Society as it comprises the Society’s Officers and Committee Chairs who are all Trustees of the Society.
Audit and Quality Improvement Committee
This Committee has members from the Society and partner organisations including the British Society of Interventional Radiology. It overseas the National Vascular Regsitry (NVR) and Quality Improvement work.
Research Committee
The Research Committee advises Council on issues, developments and membership surveys relating to vascular research. It supports the nine Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
Workforce Committee
This Committee aims to improve and protect the well-being of the vascular workforce with a focus on recruitment, retention and health at work.
Professional Standards Committee
This committee meets twice a year (August and November) and takes responsibility for invited review mechanism (IRM), professional support, developing policy and advising Council of issues relating to professional standards.