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Executive Officers


The President term of office is for one year, proceeded by two years ‘run in’ as Vice-President Elect and Vice-President (3 year term of office).

Since 2023, the Society's President has been appointed by members in an election. Prior to that appointment was by a vote within the Elected Council. Full members are eligable to stand for election provided they have been a Trustee of the Vascular Society (Elected Council member) and a VS member for 15 years or longer.

You can find a list of past President's here.

The President:

  • Represents the Vascular Society externally.
  • Chairs Open and Elected Councils and Executive Committee.
  • Sets the theme for the Annual Scientific Meeting.

Honorary Treasurer

The Honoray Treasurer role is to ensure the financial stability of the society and sign off the annual charitable accounts.

Honorary Secretary

The Honorary Secretary role is to oversea the day to day running of the society.

Executive officers must be, or have been Trustees of the Society, and are appointed by interview at Elected Counicl.

Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary serve a four-year term proceeded by one year shadowing.


The President, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer are Directors of VSGBI Ltd, set up to deliver the Society's Annual Scientific Meeting.


Andrew Garnham

Andrew Garnham


Ian Chetter

Ian Chetter

President Elect

Keith Jones

Keith Jones

Vice President Elect

Marcus Brooks

Marcus Brooks

Honorary Secretary

Alistair McCleary

Alistair McCleary

Honorary Treasurer