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The Vascular Society is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered charity number 1102769.  The objects of the Society are to relieve sickness and to preserve, promote and protect the health of the public in Great Britain, Ireland and the world by:

  1. Advancing, for the public benefit, the science and art of, and research into, the treatment of vascular disorders; and
  2. Promoting or conducting or causing to be carried out or fund all types of research relevant to vascular disease and the dissemination of the results thereof.

Read our memorandum and articles of association

The Society is governed by its Trustees (Council), who play a pivotal role in determining the strategic and professional direction of the Society, ensuring it is responsive to the needs and views of its membership.

Election of Council

Council are elected by a ballot of the Ordinary members of the Society following a call for nominations.  Nominees have to be a current Ordinary Member and should be proposed and seconded by current Ordinary Members.

Each Council member except Honorary Officers serves as a Trustee for three years.

The following are Council Members:


President Elect

Vice-President Elect

Honorary Secretary

Honorary Treasurer

Chairs of Education; Audit and Quality Improvement; Research; and Circulation Foundation Committees

Nine elected Ordinary Members

Affiliate representative

Ex officio (non-voting) members include:

Vascular SAC Chair

RCS Eng Council Representative

Representatives from the Society of Vascular Nurses; Society for Vascular Technology and the British Society of Interventional Radiology

Council meet four times a year and is chaired by the President.

Election of President

The President is elected by the voting trustees.  Nominations are proposed to Council following consideration of a long list of Ordinary Members who have been Members of the Society for 15 years or more.  Voting is undertaken using single transferable vote.  The successful candidate takes office as Vice-President Elect at the AGM following his/her election, and assumes the role of President two years following his/her appointment.  The President’s term of office is one year.

Election of Honorary Officers

The Honorary Officers of the Society – Honorary Secretary; Honorary Treasurer; Chairs of Education, Audit & QI, Research and Circulation Foundation, are elected by the trustees following a call for nominations.  Positions are assumed one year prior to taking office.  These posts are four years in duration