Exposures in the upper and lower limb
ASPIRE 4 provides essential operative techniques.
This is a three day course specific to lower limb vascular surgery / lower limb vascular conditions.
Cadaveric based course whose aim is primarily to facilitate a practical understanding in open surgical arterial and venous exposures within the lower limb.
ST4 trainees in vascular surgery
Members of the Vascular Society.
Exposure to the latest technological advances in the endovenous management of superficial venous reflux.
A cadaveric based approach to facilitate understanding in open surgical arterial and venous exposures within the lower limb.
Day 1 - Lower limb (Cadaveric)
Lower limb arterial exposure: Fem-pop
Fem-pop bypass / Tunelling / Miller cuff
Posterior approach popliteal artery
Lower limb arterial exposure - Crural
Day 2 - Dialysis access
Day 3 - Practical Stations:
Next Course
Location: Cambridge.
Dates: September 23rd – 26th September 2024.
Local organiser: Miss Diane Hildebrand.
2023 19th and 20th September in Cambrige (Organiser: Miss Diane Hidebrand)
2023 Programme 2023 Feedback
ASPIRE 4: 30th June to 2nd July in Cambridge UK., organiser Mr P Coughlin who may be contacted if you think that you should be on the course and haven't alerady been.
ASPIRE 4: 2019 - June 2019
ASPIRE 4: 2018 - 15-17th May 2018 in Cambridge