Advanced Operative Techniques
A 2-day cadaveric base course exploring complex arterial and venous exposures in the neck/ thorax and abdomen.
Day one
- Renal access
- Carotid / subclavian /Axillary exposure
- First rib resection
- Approaches to chest - sternotomy
- Exposure of head and neck vessels in chest
- Thoracotomy
Day two
- Exposure of the coeliac axis and superior mesenteric artery
- SMA bypass
- Supra-coeliac aortic clamp
- Retroperitineal aortic exposure
- Exposure of IVC
Next Course
Location: Newcastle
Date: May 2024
Local organiser: Miss Claire Dawkins
Future and past courses are as follows:
2023 21st and 22nd September in Cambridge (Organiser: Miss Diane Hildebrand)
2023 Programme 2023 Feedback
2017 & 2018 16th - 18th May in Cambridge (Organiser: Mr Patrick Couglin)
July 1st to 3rd 2019
May 16th - 18th May 2018
Tremendous feedback was received from the 2017 course was virtually unchanged.
May 17th-19th 2017
- Day 1 was an advanced EVAR
- Days 2-3 were advanced cadaveric skills course.