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Professional Behaviour

Professional behaviour

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The Vascular Society wants to be a welcoming society, where specialists, trainees and other healthcare professionals feel at home. This includes at our annual scientific meeting, on our committees, and on our Council. We want all members to feel a sense of belonging, to share the societies values, and to see these reflected by the Societies from its council.

The Council’s approach to diversity is reflected in its effectiveness, leadership and decision-making.

We recognised the following groups are more vulnerable to expereincing unprofessional behaviours:

  • Trainees
  • SAS and LED doctors
  • Less than full time staff
  • Ethnic groups other than white

The Society acknowledges the lack of diversity in leadership positions. This is in part a consequence of those putting themselves up for election to Council being further advanced in their careers.  The question remains for the Society of how to reform the election system to ensure it if fair and delivers a diverse council? 

In 2023 the Presidential election was reformed to open it up to all Society members.

The Council encourages all members to consider election to Council.

RCS Eng. Avoiding Unconscious Bias

Bullying, Undermining and Harrassment

Examples of bullying include constant criticism, spreading malicious rumours, putting someone down in meetings, unfair job planning and exclusion from conversations or even social events. By law (Equality Act 2010), bullying behaviour can be harassment if it relates to any of the 'protected characteristics':

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex and sexual orientation.

Council members have all undertaken professional behaviour online training.

We would encourage colleagues to do the same and reflect on how others see their behaviour in the workplace. 

RCS Edinburgh Anti-bullying and Undermining Campaign

Bullying, Harassment & Undermining in Vascular Training

This is a recurrent theme in trainee surveys and behaviour for which the Society has no tolerance. 

2018 VS/Rouleax working group report

Sexual safety

The Vascular Society is a signatory to NHS England sexual safety charter (4th September 2023) in collaboration with key partners across the healthcare system.  Signatories to this charter commit to taking and enforcing a zero-tolerance approach to any unwanted, inappropriate and/or harmful sexual behaviours within the workplace, and to ten core principles and actions to help achieve this.

RCS Edinburgh 'Let's remove it'

NHS England Sexual safety charter

Trustee responsibilities


Charity Commission guidance