The sections below set out the governance for Society activities:
Openness and Accountability
Council and Committees of the Society must be being transparent and accountable.
The Vascular Society is open in its work, unless there is good reason for it not to be, for instance when dealing with financially sensitive information or confidential professional standards issues. The Council and Committees of the Society must be transparent and accountable in their workings.
All Committee members are asked to declare potential conflicts of interest in advance and at the start of each meeting.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
The Society acknowledges lack of diversity in leadership positions. This is in part a consequence of those putting themselves up for election to Council being further advanced in their careers. The question remains for the Society of how to reform the election system to ensure it if fair and delivers a diverse council. In 2023 the Presidential election was reformed to open it up to all Society members.
Vascular Society want to be a welcoming society, where specialists, trainees and other healthcare professionals feel at home, including at our annual scientific meeting, on our committees, and on our Council.
The Council’s approach to diversity supports its effectiveness, leadership and decision-making. We want all members to feel a sense of belonging, to share the societies values, and to see these reflected by the Societies from its council.
We recognised the following groups as vulnerable to unprofessional behaviours:
Speciality doctors and Clinical fellows
Less than full time staff
Ethnic groups other than white
Council members have all undertaken professional behaviour online training. We would encourage colleagues to do the same and reflect on how others see their behaviour in the workplace.Avoiding Unconscious Bias — Royal College of Surgeons (
Trustees and Directors
Council members are Trustees of the Vascular Society and Directors of the Limited Company ("The Vascular Society") and therefore having a dual responsibility of Trustees under charity law and Directors under company law.
To be a company Director, and comply with Companies House, all Directors submit their name, home address and date of birth. The home address will not appear on the public record, but it will be available to:
Specified public bodies for carrying out their public functions;
Credit reference agencies for vetting applications for credit and associated work and to meet the obligations in the Money Laundering Regulatio
If you are a beneficiary of a valid Confidentiality Order (which avoids your home address from being made available to the above agencies), then please let the Society's Secretariat know. (
Articles of Association
Articles of Association
Council Consitution
Elected Council Constitution
Nomination Form
Nomination From
Committee Terms of Reference
Executive Committee
Professional Standards Committee
Workforce Committee
Audit and Quality Improvement Committee
Education and Training Committee
Research Committee
Vascular Society
The Vascular Society is a charitable organisation with Trustees and Directors.
VSGBI LTD (formerly VSSGBI LIMITED) is a subsidiary of the Vascular Society. It was incorporated for the purpose of running the commercial aspects of the Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) and now also runs the Society Journal (JVSGBI).
VSGBI Ltd has the President, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer as Directors.
The Elected Council reviewed the rationale for maintain this subsidiary in 2023.
Contact address
The Vascular Society of Great Britain & Ireland
C/o Executive Business Support Ltd
City Wharf,
Davidson Road,
WS14 9DZ
Telephone: 0207 2057150