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Awards and Prizes

Awards and Prizes

Honorary MembershipLifetime Achievement Averil Mansfield Trainer of the Year

PrizesSlaney Medal

Honorary Membership

  • Prof Jens Allenberg
  • Mr Frank Michael Ameli
  • Mr George Andros MD
  • Prof Jean-Pierre Becquemin
  • Prof John Bergan MD FACS FRCS(Hons)Eng
  • Prof David Bergqvist
  • Mr Michael Lawrence Brown FRACS
  • Dr David Campbell
  • Prof John Connolly Hon FRCS(Eng), Hon FRCS(Ed), Hon FRCSI
  • Prof R Courbier
  • Prof Michael Dake MD
  • Mr George Davies
  • Prof Hans-Henning Eckstein (deceased)
  • Prof Bert Eikelboom
  • Dr Jerry Goldstone
  • Prof John Harris
  • Dr Edward Housley FRCP(Ed) FRCP (Lond)
  • Prof Michael Jacobs
  • Mr Peter Jeffery
  • Professor Mauri Lepantalo
  • Mr Prakash Madhavan
  • Prof Michel Makaroun MD
  • Prof John Mannick
  • Prof Jean Natali
  • Prof William Paaske MD DMSC FRCS
  • Prof Juan Parodi
  • Prof Jim Reekers
  • Prof John Robbs
  • Prof Hazim Safi
  • Prof Thomas Schmitz-Rixen
  • Prof Torben Schroeder
  • Prof Hero Van Urk FRCSEd MD PhD
  • Dr Frank Veith
  • Prof Eric Verhoeven
  • Prof Charles Warlow
  • Prof Mandika Wijeyaratne
  • Dr Manish Mehta
  • Prof Henrik Sillesen
  • Prof Jan Brunkwall
  • Prof Armando Mansilha
  • Prof Fabio Verzini

Lifetime Achievement

  • Mr Anthony Chant MS FRCS
  • Mr Brian Heather MB BS FRCS MS
  • Prof Brian Hopkinson MB ChM FRCS
  • Mr Alan Scott MA FRCS MCh MB BCh
  • Mr Malcolm Simms MB BS FRCS
  • Mr Chris Gibbons
  • Professor Janet Powell
  • Mr Roddy Nash
  • Prof Mike Walker
  • Mr Simon Parvin
  • Mr Jonothan Earnshaw
  • Mr Keith Poskitt
  • Mr John Brennan (2021)
  • Mr Prakash Madhavan (2022)
  • Mr Gareth Griffith (2022)
  • Prof Waquar Yusuf (2023)
  • Prof Arun Pherwani (2024)
  • Miss Sophie Renton (2024)
  • Mr Douglas Orr (2024)

Averil Mansfield Trainer of the Yea

  • The Trainer of the Year was introduced by the Rouleaux Club in 2024.
2024 Ms Mei Northey


  • The Sol Cohen (Founder’s) Prize is for the best clinical paper.
    The award is a silver salver engraved with the Society’s logo and the year, plus a personal cheque for £500.
  • The British Journal of Surgery Prize is for the best scientific paper.
    The award is a cheque for £600 payable to the Research Fund of the Department from which the paper was submitted.
    Winning abstract and paper published in the British Journal of Surgery.
  • The Venous Forum Prize is presented for the best research paper on venous disease presented at the AGM, and is adjudicated by the Officers of the Venous Forum. The prize is a £250 cheque and a certificate.
  • The Richard Wood Memorial Prize will be awarded for the best paper presented by a non-doctor (includes medical students). The award is an engraved medal, and a cheque for £250.

Vascular trainees are eligible for the Sol Cohen (Founder’s) Prize and the BJS Prize. Both vascular trainees and non-medics are eligible for the Venous Forum and Brighton prizes. The Richard Wood prize is for non-medics only. Applicants must be the first author of the abstract, must have made a substantial personal contribution to the work and must deliver the paper in person. Vascular trainees must be in a training post on the closing date for submission of abstracts.

Other prizes awarded at the ASM:

  • SRS prize (SRS)

  • Essay competition prizes (Rouleaux Club)

  • James Purdue Prize (SVN)

  • SVT Prize (SVT)


Slaney Medal

Slaney Medal - highest mark in the two sittings of the Intercollegiate Specialty Board in Vascular Surgery (since 2019).

2019 Amy Stimpson
2020 Douglas Mackenzie
2021 Sarah Onida
2022 Mahim Qureshi
2023 Andrew Nickinson
2024 Aoife Kiernan

The Sol Cohen (Founder’s) Prize


P Chan, St Mary’s Hospital Medical School, London Abnormal growth regulation of vascular smooth muscle in patients with restenosis.


PA Stonebridge, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary Angioscopically identified features related to infra inguinal bypass graft failure.


PJ Kent, Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Dublin Prognosis of vibration induced white finger after cessation of occupational vibration exposure.


BD Braithwaite, on behalf of the Thrombolysis Study Group Accelerated thrombolysis with high dose bolus t-PA is as safe and effective as low dose infusions - results of a randomised trial.


MM Thompson, Leicester Royal Infirmary A comparison of CT and duplex scanning in assessing aortic morphology following endovascular aneurysm repair.


IM Loftus, Leicester Royal Infirmary Vein graft aneurysms - conclusive proof of a systemic process.


P Renwick, Hull Royal Infirmary Limb outcome following failed femoro-popliteal PTFE bypass for intermittent claudication.


ME Gaunt, Leicester Royal Infirmary Intraoperative change in baroreceptor function during carotid endarterectomy.


FJ Meyer, St Thomas’s Hospital, London More venous leg ulcers are healed by three-layer paste than by four-layer bandages: a randomised, controlled prospective study.


N Lennard, Walsgrave Hospital, Coventry Crescendo TIAs: the use of pre-operative TCD directed IV Dextran therapy to control symptoms and emboli prior to elective carotid endarterectomy.


J Barwell, Cheltenham General Hospital, Cheltenham The Eschar Venous Ulcer Study: A randomised controlled trial assessing venous surgery in 500 leg ulcers.

2003 R Wilson, St George’s Hospital Medical School, London The suitability of ruptured AAA for endovascular repair.

ZA Ali, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge Remote ischaemic preconditioning reduces myocardial injury after abdominal aortic aneurysm repair.


R Aggarwal, Department of Biosurgery and Surgical Technology, Imperial College London and Regional Vascular Unit, St Mary’s Hospital, London Acquisition of endovascular skills by consultant vascular surgeons: effect of repetition in a virtual reality training model.


GS McMahon, University of Leicester, Leicester Low-molecular-weight heparin significantly reduces embolisation after carotid endarterectomy: a randomised controlled trial.


RA Weerakkody, Cambridge Vascular Unit, Cambridge An evaluation of radiation exposure in endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repairs.


Joint winning papersPJE Holt, St George’s Regional Vascular Institute, London Endovascular aneurysm repair  independently demonstrates a volume-outcome effect & PJE Holt, Regionalisation of vascular surgery improves outcome: a model of service provision.

2009 G McMahon, University of Leicester Heparin activates platelet 12-lox - transient aspirin resistance explained?
2010 RE Clough, NIHR Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre of Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust and King's College London, London. Acute aortic syndrome (AAS) treated by thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) or Flow-sensitised dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can identify dominant false lumen flow and secondary entry tears in type B aortic dissection: implications for endovascular treatment.

RE Clough, NIHR Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre of Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust and King's College London, London.. A new 4D aortic imaging technique to quantify vessel wall mechanics in vivo.


A. KarthikesalingamPredicting aortic complications after endovascular aneurysm repair.

2013 A. Karthikesalingam. International validation of a risk score for complications and reinterventions after endovascular aneurysm repair?
2014 DPJ Howard, Oxford University Hospital NHS Trust. A population-based study of incidence and outcome of atrial fibrillation-related thromboembolic events: implications for primary prevention.
2015 ?
2016 K Hurst. Nuffield Departments of 1Surgical Sciences and 2Clinical Neurosciences, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK. Delays in the presentation to stroke services of patients with transient ischaemic attack and minor stroke.
2017 ?
2018 ?
2019 J Kelly, PHD Clinical Research Fellow, Kings College London. Predicting recovery from paraplegia after thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair.
2020 M Syed, Vascular ST4, University of Edinburgh. 18F-Sodium Fluoride positron emission tomography / computed tomography in acute aortic syndrome.
2021 M Syed, Vascular ST5, University of Edinburgh. Plasma desmosine as a biomarker in patients with acute aortic syndrome.

H O'Neill, NHS Grampian. The Limb-related Complications of Injecting Drug Use and the Collateral Consequences for Vascular Surgery: The East of Scotland Experience, a Nine-year Retrospective Cohort.

2023 J Houghton. Streamlined management pathways reduce major amputations in chronic limb-threatening ischaemia.

Richard Wood Memorial Prize

2003 EA Nelson, Department of Health Sciences, University of York, York A randomised controlled trial of 4-Layer and short-stretch compression bandages for venous leg ulcers (VenUS I)

S Maxwell, Regional Vascular Unit and the Department of Medical Bacteriology, St Mary’s Hospital, London Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): are we winning the war against infrainguinal bypass graft infection?

2005 E Horrocks, St Mary’s Hospital, London Carotid endarterectomy under local anaesthetic - evaluating a high fidelity simulated environment for training and assessment
2006 LC Brown, for the EVAR Trial Participants, Imperial College, London Endovascular, not open repair, should be used in the fittest patients: the application of fitness scoring to EVAR trial patients

P Bourke, Regional Vascular Unit, St Mary’s Hospital, London The proposed 18-week target - is there time for investigations?

2008 C Oakley, Sheffield Hallam University and Vascular Institute, Sheffield Nordic poles immediately improve walking distance in claudicants
2009 R Sharpe, Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester Dual antiplatelet therapy prior to carotid endarterectomy reduces postoperative embolisation and thromboembolic events: postoperative transcranial Doppler monitoring is now unnecessary
  No records for 2010-2018
2019 J Palmer, PHD Student, University of Hull. The prognostic value of simple frailty and malnutrition tools in determining surgical risk in critical limb ischaemia.
2020 W Raham Ahmed, University of Oxford. Genome-wide association analysis and replication in 810,625 individuals identifies novel therapeutic targets for varicose veins.
2021 E McNally, Medical Student, Bristol. Developing a core outcome set for chronic deep venous insufficiency of the lower limb: a systematic review of reported outcomes.
2022 A Li-Yen Koh A single-centre retrospective hypothesis-generating study investigating Computed Tomography-based body composition metrics in a cohort of aortic aneurysm patients.
2023 M Tran. Comparing the effect of using virtual reality versus simulation in the management of acute surgical scenarios on academic buoyancy levels.

Medical Student Prize - RCS Edinburgh

2019 JL Ducal, Medical Student, Kings College London. Risk of Acute Kidney Injury Associated with Percutaneous Mechanical Thrombectomy in the Treatment of Iliofemoral Deep Venous Thrombosis.
2020 S Carroll, Glasgow Caledonian University. An evidence map of non-invasive electrical stimulation in peripheral arterial disease.



I Nasir, Medical Student, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals/ University of Manchester. The effect of obesity on the cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) in patients undergoing endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR)?
2022 P Sucharitkul. Vascular Education in Undergraduate Medicine (VENUM) Part One.
2023 S Pattinson. AAA Screening Delays- A National Review from 2017-2023.

SRS Prize

2006 WRW Wilson, University of Leicester, Leicester and St George’s Hospital Medical School, London Decreased cellular telomere content is observed locally and systematically in abdominal aortic aneurysms

TK Ho, Department of Surgery, The Royal Free and University College Medical School, The Royal Free Hospital, London Increased SDF-1 alpha and CXCRr4 but not SDF-1 beta expression in human critical limb ischaemia

2008 ?

C Allen, DJA Scott, P James, Leeds Vascular Institute Lymphangiogenesis: novel involvement in abdominal aortic aneurysm.

  No records for 2010-2018
2019 S Onida, NIHR Clinical Lecturer, Imperial College London. Untargeted mass spectrometry analysis of biofluids from patients with chronic venous disease.

The Vascular Society ASM & British Journal of Surgery Prize


D Higman, Charing Cross Hospital, London Nitric oxide production is impaired in the saphenous vein of smokers 1994 GT Stavri, King’s College School of Medicine and Dentistry, London The role of hypoxia in neovascularisation of atherosclerotic plaque.

1994 ?

AD Fox, Royal United Hospital, Bath A new modular approach to endoluminal grafting for abdominal aortic aneurysms.


C Marshall, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Intravascular adhesion: a new assay to assess neutrophil adhesiveness in whole blood.


IM Loftus, Leicester Royal Infirmary Increased proteolytic activity in acute carotid plaques - therapeutic avenues to. prevent stroke.


IJ Franklin, Charing Cross Hospital, London Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to treat abdominal aortic aneurysms.

1999 DW Harkin, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast In major limb vessel trauma reperfusion injury is increased by delayed venous reflow and prevented by anti-oxidant pretreatment.

DW Harkin, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast Ischaemic preconditioning (IPC) prior to lower limb ischaemia reperfusion protects against acute lung injury.


L Drinkwater, St Thomas’s Hospital, London Venous ulcer exudates inhibit in vitro angiogenesis 2002 M Griffiths, Royal Free Hospital, London Nicotine abolishes the hypoxic induction of VEGF in human microvascular endothelial cells.


DR Lewis, The Royal North Shore Hospital, University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Point of care testing of aspirin resistance in patients with vascular disease.


V Vijayan, Bristol Royal Infirmary The early and long term reduction of porcine saphenous vein graft thickening using a biodegradable polyglactin external sheath.


C Ruiz, Peripheral Vascular Unit, Glasgow Royal Infirmary Pre-operative ischaemia of the long saphenous vein predisposes to intimal hyperplasia in bypass grafts through enhanced smooth muscle cell migration.

2006 MJ Bown, University of Leicester, Leicester The IL-10-1082 ‘A’ allele and abdominal aortic aneurysm, University of Leicester, Leicester The IL-10-1082 ‘A’ allele and abdominal aortic aneurysm.

A Thompson, Cardiovascular Genetics Departments, University College London, and the Vascular Department, Royal West Sussex NHS Trust, Chichester TGF3 and LTBP4 are associated with altered AAA growth: a candidate gene study.


TY Tang, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge Atorvastatin THerapy: Effects on Reduction Of Macrophage Activity (ATHEROMA). Evaluation using USPIO-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in carotid disease.


R Aggarwal, Division of Cardiovascular and Diabetes Research, Leeds Aspirin and clot structure in patients with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA): A mechanism for reduced AAA expansion?

2010 J Chan, Vascular Surgery Unit, St Mary's Hospital, Imperial College Health Care NHS Trust London. Imaging of the vulnerable carotid plaque: biological targeting of inflammation using ultrasmall superparamagnetic particles of iron oxide (USPIO) and MRI.
2011  S Harrison, Centre for Cardiovascular Genetics, University College, London. Genetic determinants of vascular diameter and the risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm.
  No records 2012-2018
2019 D Kerr, ST5 Vascular Surgery, York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Investigating the cardiovascular impacts of e-cigarettes in comparison to the use of nicotine replacement patches.

B Azhar, St Georges Vascular Institute. Defining aneurysm sac size change post EVAR .

2021 A Gwozdz, Vascular Surgery Specialist Registrar, King's College London. Elevated platelet-derived sGPVI is a biomarker of venous in-stent stenosis in patients with post-thrombotic syndrome.

AL Pouncey, Imperial College London. Female Sex is associated with an Increased Length of Hospital Stay Following Elective Endovascular Repair for Infrarenal Aortic Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms, a Nationwide Study.


F Kerray, NHS Lothian. Fiona gave her oral presentation on - Evaluating the evidence for the impact of human factors science on operative performance in vascular surgery.

Venous Forum Prize

2001 I Singh, St Thomas’s Hospital, London Inhibition of experimental venous thrombosis with a human anti-factor VIII monoclonal antibody.

J Barwell, Cheltenham General Hospital, Cheltenham The Eschar Venous Ulcer Study: A randomised controlled trial assessing venous surgery in 500 leg ulcers.


EA Nelson, Department of Health Sciences, University of York, York A randomised controlled trial of 4-Layer and short-stretch compression bandages for venous leg ulcers (VenUS I)
RJ Winterborn, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Gloucester Late results of a randomised controlled trial of stripping the long saphenous vein.


B Kianifard, Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford Perforator veins do not remain closed following long saphenous vein stripping - results of a randomised trial with a one year follow up.


RJ Winterborn, Department of Vascular Surgery, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital Prospective study of short saphenous varicose vein surgery: six weeks’ results.


R Eifell, Department of Surgery, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead and Northern Vascular Centre, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne Quantitative measurement of superficial venous surgery using continuous ambulatory venous pressure measurement (CAVPM).


R Winterborn, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital No advantage in performing flush saphenofemoral ligation: results of a randomised trial.


D Carradice, Academic Vascular Surgical Unit, Hull A randomised trial of EVLT vs. surgery for varicose veins 2009 A Shepherd, Imperial Vascular Unit, Imperial College, Charing Cross Hospital, London Early results of a randomised clinical trial (RCT) comparing VNUS Closurefast Ablation and Laser for Varicose Veins (VALVV).

  No records 2012-2018
2019 A Singh. The impact of a novel multidisciplinary care pathway on outcomes for hospital in patients with leg ulceration.
2020 P Stather, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital A randomised controlled clinical trial comparing the effectiveness of bandaging compared to the JuxtaCuresTM device in the management of people with venous ulceration: Feasibility Study.
2021 S Salim, Clinical Research Fellow, Imperial College London. Venous Leg Ulceration: an assessment of associated lifestyle, sociodemographic and clinical factors using UK Biobank.
2022 L Hitchman, Impact of the NHS Evidence Based Intervention Programme on access to NICE recommended Varicose Vein Treatment
2023 A Lim. 5-year follow-up of a Randomised Controlled Trial of Endovenous Laser Ablation versus Mechanochemical Ablation for Superficial Venous Incompetence (LAMA Trial).

Brighton Prize (2006)


AHR Stewart, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital and Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton Systemic antibiotics prevent graft and wound infection in peripheral bypass surgery; a systematic review and meta-analysis

2008 RE Clough, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London Endovascular management of mycotic aortic aneurysms

Best Educational/Training Video

2007 R Bulbulia, M Whyman, L Emerson, L Visser, F Slim and K Poskitt, Cheltenham General Hospital Laparoscopic aortic aneurysm repair.
2007 J Tsui, R De Souza, G Hamilton, Royal Free Hospital, London Carotid endarterectomy: retro-jugular approach and eversion technique.

Covid-19 Best Oral Prize (2020)

2020 R Preece, Gloucestershire Hospitals. Outcomes of vascular and endovascular interventions performed during the COVID-19 pandemic: The Vascular and Endovascular Research Network (VERN) COvid-19 Vascular Service (COVER) Tier 2 study.

Best Poster

2007 G Atturu, S Brouilette, M Bown, NJ Samani, NJM London, R Sayers, University of Leicester, Leicester Leucocyte telomere length is reduced in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm
2008 ?

De-Silva D, Kumar S, Bharucha A, Gowland-Hopkins N, East Surrey Hospital Audit assessing correct application of thrombo-embolic deterrent stockings in the general surgery department of a district general hospital

  No records 2010-2018
2019 J Al Shakarchi, Registrar,  University of North Midlands. Early and late outcomes of surgery for neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome in adolescents.
2020 F Theuma, University Hospitals Of Leicester NHS Trust. Do anaemia and red blood cell transfusion affect outcomes for patients who undergo revascularisation for chronic limb-threatening ischaemia?
2021 S Thadani, Medical Student, Hull York Medical School. Investigating mortality following major lower limb amputation
2022 M Sood, Optimising secondary prevention in patients undergoing carotid intervention (CI) – A Single Centre Cohort Study.
2023 L Fligelstone. An update of a prospective comparison study of BlueDop as a novel assessment of pedal perfusion.