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Audit and Quality Improvement Committee


  • Vascular Society Trustees
  • BSIR representative
  • NVR team from Surgical Effectiveness Unit at RCS Eng.
  • Lead for National AAA Screening Programme (England)

Monitoring the outcomes for UK vascular surgery. Introduction  of QIPs when poor care or inequalities in care provision are  identified (AAA, Amputation and PAD QIPs).


  • Annual NVR reports produced in conjunction with the NVR team at RCS Eng.
  • PAD-QIP (2019) to improve timelines to revascularization for people with CLTI
  • Successful NHSE CLTI-CQUIN for 2022-24 to support PAD-QIP
  • Improvements to NVR – COVID-19 and AAA Devices data capture
  • International collaboration with VASCUNET and ICVR
  • NCEPOD to investigate acute limb ischaemia outcomes


Akhtar Nasim

Audit & QI Member

Peng Wong

Audit & QI Member