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Workforce Committee

The Workforce Committee of the Society was established in 2019 for the purpose of developing policy and advising on workforce issues that affect the Society and its members. Its’ remit includes workforce planning, recruitment, retention, professional behaviours (zero tolerance of bullying, undermining or harassment in vascular surgery), wellbeing, career planning as well as ensuring inclusivity and wellbeing amongst our members both in the activities of the Society as well as in their workplace. The Society is committed to ensuring that all of our members can participate in the activities of the society and in their work environment in an atmosphere of inclusivity, impartiality and security. Equality, diversity and belonging are key themes that should be part of all behaviours and decision making in the workplace. Networked models of vascular care and multi-disciplinary team work are encouraged.

Membership comprises council members and co-opted members representing interest groups within the practice of Vascular Surgery in Great Britain and Ireland. The Chair of the Professional Standards Committee also attends workforce committee meetings.

Undertakes workforce planning surveys.

Work with the Surgical Advisory Committee (SAC) and HEE to plan recruitment. Respond to recent concerns again raised around high levels of unprofessional behaviour (bullying, undermining and harassment, including sexual harassment) in UK vascular surgery. Promote team working through positive relationships between the UK and Irish Vascular Societies and their affiliated Societies.

The committee works with the Royal Colleges and other professional bodies within the NHS and HSE to enhance working conditions for vascular surgeons throughout Great Britain & Ireland. 


  1. Workforce surveys (3 yearly).
  2. RCS Ed. Professional behaviours course.
  3. Medical school recruitment strategy.


Ciarán McDonnell


Anselm Egun

Chair Elect

Daniel Carradice

Workforce Committee Member

Rachel Sam

Workforce Committee Member

Andrew Tambyraja

SAC representative

Andrew Khallaf

Andrew Khallaf

SAS/LED Representative