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Events in 2024

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Events in 2024

September 2024
6 Sep 2024
Kings College London
16 - 17 Sep 2024
West Midlands Surgical Training Centre, Coventry
October 2024
7 Oct 9:00AM - 8 Oct 5:00PM 2024
Andaz Vienna Am Belvedere, Vienna
10 - 11 Oct 2024
November 2024
19 - 21 Nov 2024
Engineers House, Bristol
December 2024
11 Dec 2024 9:00AM - 5:00PM
The Biscuit Factory, Newcastle
12 Dec 2024 9:00AM - 5:00PM
The Biscuit Factory, Newcastle
12 - 14 Dec 2024
Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France.