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Review your clinical practice with NCIP

Review your clinical practice with NCIP

In January, NHS England launched the vascular dashboards in the National Consultant Information Programme (NCIP) – NHS England’s free data platform that allows consultants to review their own surgical practice.

As NCIP’s vascular clinical leads, we think NCIP is vitally useful to consultants because the dashboards provide an overview of all inpatient vascular activity undertaken by consultants in vascular units, with readily available peer group comparisons and the ability to view longer term outcomes. This drives quality improvement and patient safety.

Consultants can use NCIP to get a unique view of their whole NHS practice, with locally and nationally benchmarked data covering activity and outcomes, down to patient level. It can be used to support your appraisal, revalidation, quality improvement, clinical audit and more. NCIP complements National Vascular Registry (NVR) data for the index procedures, by providing robust longer-term outcome metrics.

NCIP includes 24 vascular dashboards, covering a range of aneurysm, carotid, lower limb, thoracic outlet, renal access and venous procedures. The team are rolling out NCIP across all vascular units in England – please contact them at if you would like a demo for you and your colleagues.

As part of the January launch, you will have received an email asking you to login and create a password. If you need the authentication email to be resent to you, please email the team at

You can log in to NCIP here:

You can read more about NCIP here: NCIP - Getting It Right First Time - GIRFT.

We are also always happy to talk to colleagues if you would like to know more about NCIP. We hope you will find it useful.

Arun Pherwani
Jon Boyle

NCIP Vascular Clinical Leads


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