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Two clinical leads appointed to head up GIRFT’s vascular surgery workstream

Two clinical leads appointed to head up GIRFT’s vascular surgery workstream

Two new clinical leads have been appointed by NHS England’s Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) to work closely with VSGBI to review current provision of services in England and move forward with priorities for improvement.

VSGBI past presidents, Rachel Bell (The Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust) and  Jonathan Boyle (Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust) pick up the work begun by former GIRFT clinical lead Mike Horrocks, who stepped down from the role in 2021.

Their role will involve reforming the Joint Vascular Programme Board with representation from a range of professional groups and societies; reviewing the progress of vascular network reconfiguration; and developing metrics to support colleagues to monitor performance and improve patient care and outcomes.

Professor Tim Briggs, GIRFT chair and NHS England’s National Director for Clinical Improvement and Elective Recovery, said: “I am very pleased to welcome these two highly experienced clinicians to the GIRFT programme, to continue the excellent work begun by Mike Horrocks.  Vascular surgery was one of the first specialties reviewed by GIRFT and, as such, there have been many changes in the intervening years. It’s now time to look again at the current provision of services to review progress and see where further improvements can be made.”

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