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The date for receiving nominations for Council members has been extended

The date for receiving nominations for Council members has been extended

Important Notice:  The date for receiving nominations for Council members has been extended to 09.00 a.m. on Monday 31st October 2022.

There will be three vacancies arising on the Council of the Vascular Society at the close of the AGM in November 2022 as current Council members complete t

​There will be three vacancies arising on the Council of the Vascular Society at the close of the AGM in November 2022 as current Council members complete their terms of office.  We would therefore like to invite nominations from the membership for election to the Society’s Council.

The election is for a three-year term as elected Council member and Trustee (2022-2025).

The Council meets four times a year in February, May/June, September, and November.  These meetings are held face to face. Council Members are generally asked to serve on one of the Society’s working committees - Audit and Quality Improvement, Education, Research, Workforce, Professional Standards, or the Circulation Foundation. These meetings are face to face or via MS Teams.

Council members are expected to support the functioning of the Society and to participate in its professional activities. In August you will be required to mark the abstracts for the AGM, and in November attend the AGM where you will be involved in marking the prize and poster sessions and chairing a session.

Council’s opinion is regularly sought on consultant vascular surgeon job descriptions, NICE guidance documents and by allied Societies.

It is important that you speak with your clinical director /medical director to ensure that you can be released for these commitments.

Members elected to Council become Trustees of the Society as a Registered Charity, and therefore have a responsibility to act in accordance with Charity Commission regulations in achieving the Society’s objectives:

  • To take part in formulating and regularly reviewing the strategic aims of the organisation.
  • To ensure that the policy and practices of the organisation are in keeping with its aims.
  • To ensure that the organisation functions within the legal and financial requirements of a charitable organisation and strives to achieve best practice.

The Vascular Society is legally responsible for the operation of the fundraising activities of the Circulation Foundation. Council members are encouraged to take an active interest in supporting the aims and objectives of the Circulation Foundation.

An Elected Trustee may not be eligible for re-election to Council (save in exceptional circumstances which are to be determined in the absolute discretion of Council).

We look forward to receiving all nominations. Closing date for receipt of nominations will be 09.00 a.m. on Monday 31st October 2022, please email these to

Nomination for Election

We do hope you will consider putting yourself forward for nomination. 

The Council’s aim is to represent the views of all the Society’s members. Nominations are therefore encouraged from across the UK and Ireland, from members working in all sizes of vascular unit, and members at all stages of their consultant careers. As of this year, provision has been put in place for suspension of Council membership for periods of parental leave. Please contact the Society if other reasonable adjustments would allow you to submit a nomination.

Nomination process

The nomination form can be found by clicking on the url links below, and is also available on the Society’s website.

To submit your nomination, you will already need to be an ordinary member of the Society, and:

  • Complete the nomination form in full.
  • Include a proposer and seconder - both current ordinary members of the Society.
  • Include a short letter, single side A4, outlining why you would like to serve on Council.
  • Include a photograph (we would recommend a smart, simple headshot similar to a passport style photograph).

If you meet the criteria and there are more than three nominations received this information will be published on the electoral voting poll - please ensure no personal data is included – to be voted on by the whole Society membership.

The outcome of the election to Council will be announced at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Further information

If you require any further information please contact the Society’s Honorary Secretary, Marcus Brooks, email and mobile 07798 745107.


We look forward to receiving all nominations. Closing date for receipt of nominations will be 09.00 a.m. on Monday 31st October 2022, please email these to

Please note when submitting your nomination, you will receive an email acknowledging receipt of it.  If  you do not receive an email please contact or alternatively call 0207 2057150.  

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