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Short survey on antithrombotic practice following endovascular lower limb intervention for PAD

Short survey on antithrombotic practice following endovascular lower limb intervention for PAD

The Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) Specialist Interest Group (SIG) are getting in contact with Vascular Society members to ask whether they would be able to complete a short survey on your antithrombotic practice following endovascular intervention for lower limb peripheral arterial disease. It will take less than 5 minutes.

Antithrombotic treatment (antiplatelet/anticoagulant medication) has the potential to improve outcomes after endovascular intervention for peripheral arterial disease, but there still appears to be a wide variation in practice. We are in the process of putting a trial application together to address this research question and as part of the process we need further information on current practice in the UK and your views on a randomised trial. 

Link is here

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