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Society members can now enjoy ESVS membership at a discounted rate

Society members can now enjoy ESVS membership at a discounted rate

The Vascular Society is delighted to announce that their members can now enjoy a new added benefit.

VS members can enjoy ESVS membership at a discounted rate, and benefit from the following ESVS membership benefits:

• Almost 30% discount on ESVS membership fees
• Online version of the EJVES, the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
• Discounts to the annual meeting and ESVS onsite training courses, scientific or educational events
• Free online attendance at live Mastercl@ss and ESVS Educational Webinars (*new)
• Free access to videos on demand, podcastsand other resources via e-library (*new, coming soon)
• Eligibility for several grant applications, where applicable
• Voting rights, where applicable
• Print version of the EJVES at only 40€
• Access to the membership directory
• Regular ESVS society news via the Newsletter 

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