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Find out more about the 2020 Charing Cross Symposium

Find out more about the 2020 Charing Cross Symposium

The next Charing Cross Symposium is being held 21-24 April 2020, at Olympia, London.

“Vascular and Endovascular Consensus Update”

The symposium will offer:

• three-day Aortic programme (Abdominal and Thoracic Aortic Plenaries, Techniques & Technologies)
• three days of Peripheral activities (Plenary, Techniques & Technologies, and ilegx)
• three days of CX Venous programme (Plenary and CX Venous Workshop)
• two days of Acute Stroke (Plenary and abstracts)
• three days of Vascular Access (Masterclass, CX Vascular Access Workshop, and abstracts)
• two days of iWounds (Plenary and CX iWounds Workshop)

To register click HERE

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