BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The 17th International Workshop on Cardiovascular Biology and Translational Medicine UID:2606 DESCRIPTION:The 17th International Workshop on Cardiovascular Biology and Translational Medicine is a one day meeting taking place on Friday 2nd September at the Royal College of Physicians.  \n \nThe workshop is a unique programme exploring 'hot topics' in critical areas in Cardiovascular Biology and Translational Medicine, encouraging discussion/debate and includes national and international speakers working in key areas relevant to the Cardiovascular Biology and Medicine, in both the experimental setting and in areas of translational biology and clinical trials.  \n \nWe feel this event will be of interest to members of the Vascular Society and hope that you would consider including details on your website. I have attached a copy of the programme for the day and flyer for your information.\n \nTo register/programme information :\n\n \n\n DTSTART:20220902T150300Z DTEND:20220902T150300Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR