BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:SAS/LED Surgeons/Dentist's Conference UID:34 DESCRIPTION:This is an annual educational event presented from RCSEd exclusively for SAS/LED surgical and dental colleagues. Program for this event is prepared after considering the results of the recent SAS surgeons’ survey that identified keys requirements of this important NHS workforce. Through didactic lectures and our popular interactive workshops, this full day conference will cover topics like changes to Portfolio Pathway, achieving a fulfilling SAS career, workforce and contracts and much more. These will be delivered by experts in their fields. Workshops will discuss ways to collect and organize evidence for a successful portfolio pathway application, QIP tools in Healthcare and how to navigate a lifelong fulfilling career. Book now and avoid missing out as spaces are limited!\n\nTo find out more look HERE\n\n DTSTART:20241016T134100Z DTEND:20241016T134100Z LOCATION:RCS Ed, Birmngham END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR