BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:European Society of Vascular Surgery UID:27 DESCRIPTION:ESVS 38th Annual MeetingBonus tip: Registration fees are even lower for ESVS members!\n\nThe scientific programme includes sessions on ESVS Guidelines, latest innovations and breaking clinical trials. And with over 40+ workshops planned; you’ll surely find a course that fits your needs. Finally, have fun with our rich social programme: charity run, welcome reception, and a Las Vegas themed networking dinner and party!\n\nProgramme\n\nBEST Of EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND VASCULAR COLLABORATION\n\nThe ESVS Academy – great workshops, seminars and training for allPoster Sessions, Abstracts – and prizes!Quick-fire presentations for trainees and seniors (4+2 mins discussion)Best Quick-fires win a longer presentation in the Main Scientific SessionsVolodos (innovation) and Janet Powell (evidence) LecturesMain Scientific Sessions with invited speakers, state of the art short talks and the top abstract and quick-fire presenters\n\n DTSTART:20240924T080000Z DTEND:20240927T160000Z LOCATION:ICE Kraków, Poland. END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR