BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:ASPIRE SAS/LED Education Day UID:25 DESCRIPTION:Date: 21st June 2024 \n\nTime: 10:00 – 16:00 \n\nDelivery online via Zoom\n\nThe Vascular Society is excited to announce ASPIRE SAS Educational Day specifically tailored to vascular surgery SAS/LED doctors on 21st June 2024. This event is designed to address the evolving needs of Vascular SAS/LED professionals and provide invaluable support for their career advancement.\n\nProgramme and meeting link below:\n\nVASCULAR SOCIETY ASPIRE SAS/LED EDUCATIONAL DAY\n\n\n 21st June 2024: Online (Zoom)\n\n \n\n Programme:\n\n  \n\n 1000 – 1010\n\n Introduction\n\n  \n\n Mr Ibrahim Enemosah, Consultant Vascular Surgeon (Locum), VS SAS/LED Representative\n\n  \n\n NTN, Portfolio Pathway and Endovascular training Session\n\n Session Chair: Mr. Ansy Egun, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, VS council member\n\n  \n\n 1010 – 1025\n\n Applying for NTN? Getting prepared\n\n  \n\n Mr George Ninkovic-Hall, Flexible Portfolio Training Honorary Fellow, HEE\n\n  \n\n 1025 – 1045\n\n Building an exemplary portfolio - CST, ST3, SAS, CESR\n\n  \n\n Mr Patrick Lintott, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, VS council member\n\n  \n\n 1045 – 1100\n\n Portfolio Pathway update (formerly CESR)\n\n  \n\n Ms Megan Wilson, SAC / GMC\n\n  \n\n 1100 – 1115\n\n Endovascular training\n\n  \n\n Ms Kaji Sritharan, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, VS council member\n\n  \n\n 1115 – 1130\n\n Question and answer session\n\n  \n\n 1130 – 1145\n\n Break\n\n  \n\n FRCS Vascular Session \n\n Session Chair: Prof. Sadasivam Selvakumar, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, VS council member, VS JCIE representative\n\n  \n\n 1145 – 1205\n\n FRCS and the Vascular curriculum\n\n  \n\n Mr Paddy Coughlin, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, VS council member\n\n  \n\n 1205 – 1220\n\n FRCS Section 1 examination technique/guidance\n\n  \n\n Mr Ibrahim Enemosah, Consultant Vascular Surgeon (Locum), VS SAS/LED Representative\n\n  \n\n 1220 – 1250\n\n How to read a scientific paper\n\n  \n\n Mr Andrew Thompson, Consultant Vascular Surgeon\n\n  \n\n 1250 – 1300\n\n Question and answer session\n\n  \n\n 1300 – 1330\n\n Lunch\n\n  \n\n Clinical Updates Session \n\n Session Chair: Mr Andrew Irwin Khallaf, Consultant Vascular Surgeon (Locum), VS SAS/LED Representative\n\n  \n\n 1330 – 1400\n\n Cerebrovascular disease\n\n  \n\n Ms Anna Ikponmwosa, Consultant Vascular Surgeon\n\n  \n\n 1400 – 1430\n\n PAD and diabetic foot disease\n\n  \n\n Prof David Russell, Consultant Vascular Surgeon\n\n  \n\n 1430 – 1500\n\n Aneurysmal Disease\n\n  \n\n Mr Colin Bicknell, Consultant Vascular Surgeon\n\n  \n\n 1500 – 1515\n\n Break\n\n  \n\n 1515 – 1530\n\n Job plan and appraisal\n\n  \n\n Mr Andy Garnham, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, President VSGBI\n\n  \n\n 1530 – 1545\n\n NHS Commissioning and Integrated care boards\n\n  \n\n Ms. Liz Hill, Associate Chief Operating Officer; York NHS FT\n\n  \n\n 1545 – 1600\n\n Washup / feedback and close of the day\n\n  \n\nMeeting link:\n\nMeeting ID: 896 8804 7211\n\nPasscode: 243836\n\n**Kindly ensure you scan QR code at the end of session to provide feedback and receive your certificate of attendance. **\n\n \n\nBest Wishes\nIbrahim Enemosah and Andrew Irwin Khallaf\nVascular Society for UK and Ireland SAS and LED Representatives\nMembers of VS Educational and Workforce committees\nRCS(Eng) SAS educational committee representatives\nThe Intercollegiate SAS Education Committee for SAS, LED, and NCHD (ISECSN) Vascular Surgery Representatives\n\\\nThe Vascular Society supports the Circulation Foundation – the UK Vascular charity\n\nText CIRCULATION to 70560 to donate £10 to the Circulation Foundation and make a difference today\n\n \n\n DTSTART:20240621T090000Z DTEND:20240621T150000Z LOCATION:Online (Zoom) END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR