BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:British Trauma Society and Emergency Skills in Trauma UID:20 DESCRIPTION:The British Trauma Society ‘Annual Scientific Meeting’, is being held in The Engineers House, Bristol, UK between 19-21 November 2024. \n\nPlease use the links to submit your work.  Formal registration and booking will soon begin.\n\nPlease submit any relevant work, from audits and review articles, to original research and multi centre studies, in any field of trauma, whether it be from pre-hospital, medical/surgical, or allied healthcare professionals and students. Fantastic chance to speak at a National Oral Podium Presentation!\n\nTo submit work to present at the meeting, please follow this link:\n\nFor those of you who are not yet members, signing up will only cost you £20 for the year, which will bring with it a whole host of educational resources and videos on our website ‘member’s area’ and significantly reduced entry to the ASM; you can find out more here:\n\nWe already have an exciting provisional programme arranged, with some stellar keynote speakers, and it is set to be another excellent event. Following the massive success of the Dinner and Social last year, we will be having another, which is set to be a great chance to let your hair down and network in a relaxed atmosphere with mind-blowing magic and entertainment from Lewis Fuller, Britain’s Got Talent 2023 Finalist, as seen here:\n\nThe SEST (Surgical and Emergency Skills in Trauma) Course on 19th Nov – AKA the ‘Code Red’ course always books up early, so don’t miss out! Look HERE to see the attached flyer! \n\nThis year we are at the beautiful Engineers House in Bristol, built in 1831 and set up perfectly for conferences with everything close by and excellent Poster presentation facilities in particular which this year will see an improved ‘Poster Walk’ experience. It is the perfect setting for a fulfilling meeting, in a vibrant city with a world-class history in Trauma care!\n\nWe anticipate an even more exciting annual scientific meeting this year which will be only be made possible by your participation. \n\n\n\n DTSTART:20241119T090000Z DTEND:20241121T170000Z LOCATION:Engineers House, Bristol END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR