BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:RSM Venous Forum Meeting UID:10 DESCRIPTION:Join us for our annual RSM Venous Forum meeting, the primary UK conference focusing on the multidisciplinary treatment of patients with venous disease, across different healthcare settings. In a stretched and under-resourced NHS the management of patients with venous disease continues to be seen as a low priority, with long waits for assessment and treatment. However, chronic venous disease is increasing in prevalence and is a major cause of patient distress and quality of life impairment. Modern venous treatments are minimally invasive and cost-effective (or even cost-saving) and fully supported by NICE.\n\nThe meeting will provide interactive case discussions, include hands-on practical training and focus on supporting the entire multidisciplinary team to provide optimal clinical pathways and patient-centred, evidence-based care in venous disease.\n\nThe Venous Forum: Annual Meeting Prize will also be presented and awarded at the meeting. Click here to apply and make your submission. For further details on the prize, please see below. \n\nBy attending the meeting, you will: \n\nParticipate in a ‘hands-on’ practical workshops for procedural skills in superficial and deep venous management. Find out more about multidisciplinary clinical decision making through case discussions and interactive clinical sessions. Learn about the latest national initiatives relevant to the care of patients with venous disease. Learn about effective service models for delivering venous care, and to encourage local implementation of effective care systems. Understand the potential roles for vascular nurses, vascular scientists and other non-medical team members in delivering care to patients with venous disease. Gain an update on latest perspectives in deep and superficial venous care. The primary aim of the meeting is to provide participants with practical training in multiple venous interventions, an update on the current, relevant topics in venous disease. Empower teams to develop venous services, promote practical training and offer guidance on optimising models of care. \n\nBursary spots available for Trainees and Nurses. Please email the Section inbox\n\n DTSTART:20240613T070000Z DTEND:20240614T163000Z LOCATION:Royal Society of Medicine, London END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR